About Rich

In July 2020, I made the decision to quit alcohol after struggling for most of my adult life. It turned out to be one of the best decisions of my life.
Until then, I’d felt trapped in a vicious cycle despite my efforts to break out. It was around this time that I also started working with a leadership coach to complement the work I was doing in therapy to address past trauma.
I started building confidence and taking chances, but it wasn’t all easy. In August of 2021, I felt my anxiety spiking and panic attacks looming around every corner. Basic tasks became really difficult and I made the decision to take a mental health leave from my day job. When I went out, I thought it was all about the job and even considered leaving, but turns out it was about the deeper personal work that needed to be done. I learned during the leave that I’ve had complex PTSD (CPTSD) for most my life. It explained so much, including why I couldn’t get out of detrimental cycles.
Since then, I’ve been on a journey of healing and self actualization. I learned how to make work work for me and create more balance across my life. Things like access to healthy meals, fitness facilities, and restorative services like massage therapy have helped me achieve my goal of getting back into track and increasing my overall wellbeing.
I feel the best I’ve felt ever and it’s showing up in my performance at work, my business and on the track. I want other ambitious professionals — particularly those of us with a history of trauma — to experience the benefits of holistically healthy living. It’s not just lip service about going to the doctor. It’s about a series of lifestyle changes to help you achieve the life you want.
That’s why I’m here. I’ve come out on the other side and can talk the walk. My journey is ongoing and I’m ready to help more people like me start theirs. It’s time to fly.